Du visar för närvarande Acne advertising

Acne advertising

We are an independent advertising agency creating ideas that spread far beyond bought media space into the everyday lives of our audience.

Acne Advertising was formerly known as Acne Creative. In a sense, we are the original Acne, which was founded in 1996 as an advertising and design agency. In mid-2008, we decided to divide Acne Creative into design agency Acne Art Department and advertising agency Acne Advertising.

Adress: Lilla nygatan 23
Postnummer: 103 18
Ort: Stockholm
Karta: Se på karta
Webbplats: http://advertising.acne.se/
Telefon: 08-555 799 00
E-post: aa@acne.se
Antal anställda: 11-20
Startades år: 2002